My favorite park has got sand cover now. I and my friends were so happy to see that because we love sand. Our people like it too because then we are not mud cakes and we do not need a shower that often. I almost wanted to through a party for this sand cover. Imagine that now, it is second day with the sand and two ladies with labradors come in. One of them starts to complain to another: "omg, sand, name of the dog, don't play there, please!" I thought this was weird but who am I to tell, right?! Gets even worse. The dog pooped in the middle of the sand and the lady starts to complain that she can't go to the sand and pick it up because then sand comes in to her boots. This was the moment when me and my human were shocked like seriously. How is it possible that your winter boots protect you from rain and snow but sand is not doable?!! I don't have words enough to describe my amusement..